Erasmus +
Sign Language Index for Sports and Physical Education
Comparative Study: Sign Language in physical education and sports
Good Practices Guide
SportSign toolkit
These studies will focus on the challenges faced by the target groups: Deaf students, Physical Education teachers who teach Deaf students, and Sign-Language Interpreters. It is expected to gather the following data: i) the students’ knowledge on the terminology used in Physical Education classes and, according to the context in which these classes take place, ii) compare the results with their hearing peers, in pre-defined modalities; iii) know the habits of sports and physical activity of deaf students.
O1. Comparative Study
O2. SportSigns Toolkit
Given that the cognitive benefits associated with bilingual proficiency are more persistent and long lasting, SportSign aims to contribute to the construction of a Glossary of Physical Education and Sports Activities. This will facilitate the task of teachers and interpreters and will also constitute a working tool that can be used by Deaf and hearing students. The Glossary will enable the teaching, learning and motivation of Deaf students, by containing a grammatical lexicon in the Sign Language of their country in both written language and video to demonstrate the respective motor skill, for six sports modalities.
O4. Good practices guide
For the work of Physical Education teachers in the teaching of Deaf children, best practices are related in collaboration with the interpreter. These recommendations will be made available to higher education institutions responsible for the training of Physical Education and Sports professionals, both in teaching and in sports training. In addition to the this project’s planned communication, we hope that this guide will also be published in reference journals in the areas of Education and Sport.
The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.