Erasmus +

About the Project

Sign Language Index for Sports and Physical Education

Identifies Needs

The Physical Education discipline taught in schools can provide an opportunity for learning language concepts and for the development of Sign Language for Deaf students. Positive experiences and effective communication in Physical Education teaching can form the basis for the regular practice of physical activities that promote health and well-being. However, when teachers do not have Sign Language ability and deaf students do not master spoken and/or written language, teaching can become complex and segregating.

Goal and Target Groups

SportSign aims to develop a Bilingual Sports Glossary that will work as a free self-learning pedagogical tool using an innovative approach to increase the effectiveness of the pedagogical strategy directed towards Deaf students in Physical Education and Sports. The main target groups in this project are: Physical Education Teachers, Interpreters and Deaf Students.


The first output of the project will be a Comparative Study, to be initiated at national level and involving participants from the target groups. Along with this activity, the project will develop a Toolkit that will be then applied and verified. A pre-testing with local participants will enable validation, product improvement and training of the target groups for the user version. A piloting stage will take place in each country and the results will lead to a Good Practices guide. This Guide will be widely disseminated through schools, sports clubs, associations of Deaf people, Sports universities, and other stakeholders.

Expected Results

- Enhance the qualification of teachers and their pedagogical competence

- Empower Deaf students to succeed

- Get schools and teachers to make use of the resources developed

- Boost Sports faculties to better prepare Physical Education teachers

- Allow policy-makers to make concerted decisions based on the specific needs of these target groups

Physical Education Teachers
Deaf Students

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